Improved availability and decreased environmental impact for Telia
13th June, 2016Polarium, formerly Incell International, an innovation company of battery solutions for telecom, announces today the receipt of an order from the Swedish telecom operator Telia on power backup based on lithium batteries. The system consists of Smart Lithium Battery™ modules, cabinets and remote monitoring.The choice of Incell and lithium technology gives Telia multiple benefits. Compared to corresponding installation of lead batteries, these modules are half the size and quarter of the weight. Additional values are increased reliability and control due to the operational information built in the battery modules. Polariums’ monitoring service Always Connected™ provides unique information on the batteries’ expected life, remaining backup time as well as data from the system for further analysis and planning.
Availability of expected backup time is the most vital feature of a battery system in telecom. Continuous monitoring of the discharge curve relative to the load, together with estimation of remaining backup time enables proactive measures when needed. The fact that the system calculates the remaining backup time results in better planning regarding both reliability and economy.
The system is built-up of multiple levels of redundancy and modularity, meaning that a possible error in one cell only results in loss of capacity of the system which is less than one per mille. The marginal effect of a single error along with the comprehensive monitoring provides preeminent availability and safety.
When existing installations in Sweden need to be updated according to the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority’s (PTS’s) new guidelines for backup (1 hour for cities exceeding 8000 inhabitants and 4 hours in remaining regions), the lightweight and small format compared to other battery types are of high importance. Incell has further developed a time controlled smart load-disconnection system, reducing the need of battery capacity while ensuring the quality assured fulfillment of the PTS guidelines.
The lithium battery system of Polarium is an environmentally friendly solution. The system is 100 % recyclable and contains no environmentally harmful heavy metals such as lead or cadmium. Decreased CO2 emissions are obtained by fewer and lighter transports during the first installation as well as during the lifespan with this maintenance free system. The prolonged lifespan results in fewer replacements, reducing material consumption and transports further. Altogether, this provides an eco-friendly solution with improved operational safety on reduced space. A solution for modern needs.
Polarium was prior to November 2020 known as Incell International.